Statement of Intent - 8 Provocations
What do you enjoy?
- Good and in-depth commentary videos - Coffee
- Body horror art - Chocolate
- Wood themed furniture - Plants
- Film cameras - Underwear & Lingerie
- Dates - Baking, bread specifically
- Exercising - Drawing
- Journalling - Dark colours
- Skin care - Anime
- Anatomy - Movies (esp. coming of age and horror)
- Clay making - Make-up
What do you fear?
- Failing miserably - Not doing my best
- Time limit - Procrastination
- Not being taken seriously - Forgetting things
What do you want from the course?
I want to create something that I'm proud of for once. And learn how to create an in-depth project that basically covers all the intricate part of designing. E.x. researching, bibliography etc.
What can you offer to the course?
My interest in creative writing, willingness in learning something new, and my best.
What do you want to be and be doing two years from now?
To work with a design firm, but not so much on advertising I hope. Because I suck in creating and making something that people would be interested in looking at and worth remembering, despite some of my work somehow has something to do with that. Maybe a UI & UX designer, because I think it looks fun and I've already done it a few times. And I also want to be doing illustration as a hobby on the side since I really miss drawing for fun, rather than for assignments.
Which designers/illustrators provide a context or inspiration for the type of work you want to do?
James Fenner
What current issues might graphic designers need to focus on or address?
- How to create a design that can benefit the topic or issue that they're exploring/working on.
- How to manage their ego
How do you define bad design or illustrations?
- Designs that uses popular trends simply to look up to date, but doesn't reflect the issue or topic they're working on.
- Ugly background colour that clashes with the design and default font choice.