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Writer's pictures.a.

Week 11- Articles and Recipes


This week’s in class activity revolves around InDesign. One of Adobe’s many graphic design applications and one that I’ve never heard of. The activity was quite simple, look up an article or a post of our choice and redesign it to our liking.

End Product

For my first choice, I chose a review article about one of my favourite books- Red Rising by Pierce Brown. The left photo is the original article and the right one is my edit of it. I chose to edit the web article into the kind of article you would typically see in magazines because I prefer the magazine layout as they tend to be very organized and evenly arranged compared to an online article- where the layout is typically break down into paragraphs rather than neat square paragraphs like magazines.

My second choice is a “Stuffed French Toast” recipe. I decided to go with two posts because I wanted to explore the many editing options that I could do on InDesign from a text-heavy post like an article to a simple and light post such as a food recipe. For this edit, I went for a recipe post and tried to edit it into a more clean and refined look by using merely one picture and using sleek and condensed font to give it a uniformed look.



Red Rising Review Article:

Snetiker, M. (2014, February 5). Retrieved from

Stuffed French Toast Recipe:

moonlilymoods [@moonlilymoods]. (2019, May 22). [Photograph of Baking with The Gang]. Retrieved from //

Photo of Stuffed French Toast:

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