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Writer's pictures.a.

Week 2 - Project Progress

1000 Words About Someone

Did my interview this Saturday thru Google Meet. It was quite nerve-wracking but fun at the same time. I asked her the following questions that I had jotted down before-hand but I also asked a few additional questions that weren't in my "script." The spur-of-the-moment questions mainly came because her answers were intriguing and I got some inspiration halfway through the interview.

Overall, the interview took around 30 minutes and the answer/response that I got was really good with my envisioned tone for the article. Which is business/professional. I don't know if I make sense.

As for the article design, I've been gathering some black & white editorial magazine layout to base my design off. I'm still figuring out how to properly arrange my article and to be honest, I'm having a bit of a difficult time because I am pretty bad with typography design in general. So yeah, I hope I can finish some layout mockup that I'm satisfied with by the end of next week.

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