For this week class, we learned a handful of new things and one of them are the Divergent and Convergent thinking styles. Divergent thinking style is basically where you list down all of the possible outcomes or idea on a certain topic whereas Convergent thinking style is when you narrow down those initial ideas to something that fit the relevancy of your outcome while retaining originality. This process sounds quite easy but when my group and I were asked to implement this thinking style for our activity, I then realise its harder than it seems.
My team and I had to list down any uses of a"Thick Book" that we can think of and once we did so, we have to create a product from the uses that we listed down while making sure it improves our living quality. So, my team and I settled on a book shaped nightstand that doubles as a hidden compartment. Thinking up of a design was quite challenging, but my team and I managed to create and outcome for it and attached below are the process pictures and the final outcome.
Another activity that we had to do was explaining what is "Graphic Design and It's Role" and what does "Design Process" means in our own word. For this activity, we had to work in groups once again so all four of us listed down our own meaning for each tittles using some extra aid from the paper that our lecturer gave us about an article on graphic design. By listing down our own interpretation of each tittle, we then combined all points into one concluding sentence.
I personally think that Design Process along with the Divergent and Convergent thinking skills are something that I'm going to continuously use throughout my studies and when I start working as it really helps getting your mind going when you're in the design field. These things actually help me develop my creative process skills while also allowing me to see things in another perspective than usual.