The Power of Consumerism (Part 1)
For my group, we were tasked with analyzing a video titled Consumer Culture: The Day Your Baby's Wardrobe Became Better Than Yours.
The video talks follow Vigga Svensson, a Danish baby clothes designer, who strived to create an eco-conscious baby clothing brand that had environmental friendly ingredients, the elimination of harmful ingredients and good worker's ethics. However, along the way, she realized that she wasn't doing much change in reducing wastage. Instead, she felt like she was only contributing to the problem of clothes being accumulated by consumers and it not being used as frequently as it should.
This was when she shut down her then clothing brand to develop a better business model. She soon opened a new baby clothing brand that had a new business model, the subscription method. Her company offered a subscription for their customers where every time their baby or child has outgrown their clothes, the customers would send those clothes back to the company and they will receive an updated collection of clothes that caters to their child's current size. The clothes that were sent back are then inspected, fixed, and cleaned before being sent out to a new customer.
This method is quite effective as it reduces over-purchasing of baby clothes that are only worn for a short amount of time. It also helps in using the clothes for as long as it can by multiple owners instead of being thrown out when it hasn't reached its shelf life.
We were then required to reflect on a few points and compile it into a mindmap. The points were:
A summary of what the video is about
3 key aspects that are useful and relates to the I Am Amplifier brief question of "Identify how design is used to turn us into a buying machine."
2 aspects you disagree with and why?
1 thing you are curious about and need further research
Below I've attached the mind map that my group has created and video presentation done by one of my group members.
