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Writer's pictures.a.

2 - Pros and Cons

From our development last week, I wrote down some of the feedback that we were given and those includes:

-an issue with touchpoint (making ads is ok but if there's no touching on the main issue that doesn’t cover it)

-starting point = touch on mental health awareness & issues

- how can befrienders solve the mental health issue and how can digi help with the awareness

- strengthen basic idea ( don't scrap collateral?? plan)

-Do research n look at how companies sell an idea?

-Indirect advertisement

-Find the demographic of digi & befrienders (maybe related to the youths)

-Look at their values

-social media makes us connected but it makes us feel more disconnected (a story about connection)

Looking at the feedback, our group decided to create a pros and cons list of both parties so we can further scope down on the aspects that we wanted to focus on.



  • Has trained volunteers and professional behind the service

  • Has the appropriate knowledge on the mental health issues that they assist with

  • Provides the much-needed support for those who are suffering from mental health issues


  • Doesn't have a good advertising team, which makes their services quite unknown to the public

  • Outdated website UI, unappealing to look at

  • Their hotline approach is kind of outdated as not a lot of people nowadays feel comfortable to talk on the phone, but rather through texting

= Overall, we want to create a new UI design for the brand so it can look more appealing to those who are new to their services, create advertisements, and possibly implement different hotline services such as texting their trained professionals.



  • Has the knowledge and technology for the creation of a telecommunication platform

  • They have a reliable and good reputation as a brand due to them being the first telecommunication service in Malaysia

  • Has created campaigns such as their #DigiCares initiative


  • Isn't very big with the younger generation as they are often associated with being outdated and having an older userbase

= Bottomline, we want to have Digi connect better with the younger generation by creating a platform or application that would attract those crowds.

By making mental health our main theme, we aim to remove the negative stigma that is associated with those who are suffering from mental health while simultaneously raise awareness on said issue, and reach out to those who are suffering in silence by providing support.

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