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Writer's pictures.a.

Week 2.1- Textures and Emotions


For this week's first assignment, we were asked to bring items with interesting textures to paint on. Some of it were leaves, cotton balls, styrofoam and a few more miscellaneous things. It was a quite fun assignment since it sort of reminded me of those "printing" projects I used to do back in kindergarten and primary school. However, this felt a bit more challenging as once we transferred our textures onto the A3 Paper, we had to narrow down our scope and label certain textures with the specific emotions that we felt when we look at it.

These were the four A3 papers that I used to paste my textures onto. As you can see, I used quite a number of materials and some of them even include my own pair of lips and lipstick- which I had to sacrifice for this assignment.



1. Happiness

The patches of yellow sparks looks like clouds floating about which gives off a very warm and fuzzy feeling. This warm and fuzzy feeling makes me feel all giddy and happy on the inside as yellow is generally seen as a happy colour whereas clouds are often associated with sunny and bright days- which is commonly used as an indicator that good things are going to happen.

2. Clumsy

The messiness of the fingerprint texture gives off an almost childlike feeling which reminds me of a children clumsiness- especially when doing art projects as they tend to make a bigger mess than adults. Thus, making me associate this with clumsiness.

3. Nervous

The symmetry of the outside circles and the clustered dots in the middle somehow represents how I think my thought process looks like when I get nervous. I'll be calm and try to think of rational things but slowly my thoughts get clustered and all jumbled up which leads to me being nervous as my thought process becomes more and more hectic which leads to my brain being all haywire and nervous.

4. Shy

Pink lips and the colour red tends to remind me being in love or infatuated with someone. The lips partially covered behind a stroke of red lines makes me think of the bubbly feeling you get when you see your crush as you feel your cheeks slightly going red and no words can escape your mouth as you get more and more shy by their presence.

5. Sad

I often associate blue with sadness and the way that the blue textures looks as if its breaking apart from each other solidifies my association with it. However, I find the mixtures of dark green and brown overlapping with the blue is somehow poetic as it shows different levels of sadness. In a way, the dark colours and its long streaks makes me think of the inevitable despair slowly creeping in when you're sad.

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