Subject Matter
For the 2nd class, we had to bring either vegetables or fruits for our assignment. For my subject, I chose oranges because it was easy to obtain and I can use it for my own consumption when I'm done since I don't really want to waste my money.
Types of Sketches
As for our sketching activity, we had to sketch our subject in 10 different way and it was pretty interesting as we kind of break apart our subject into different forms and it really showed me another perspective of drawing things.
Realistic, dotted and contour drawings.
In all honesty, I suck at realistic drawing. I can't do shading and I most definitely can't get the textures and perspective right. Thus, explaining my piss poor attempt at drawing a "realistic" orange- which looks more like an orange coloured ball than a fruit to be honest. But I am sort of happy? for my dotted and contour drawing because at least it turned out semi-decent than my realistic orange.
Organic shapes and contrasting colours.
I initially wanted to just draw a circle and call it a day for my organic shape drawing but I wasn't allowed to so I decided to use some basic shapes like triangles, a star, ovals and a circle. It wasn't that difficult but when we were asked to do so, I was kind of stumped since I don't know how to mix the shapes. And for the contrasting colour, I decided to use blue and pink since those are the last colours that anyone would expect and orange to be. It's actually very pretty and I kind of like the idea of a blue orange as it looks more calm and less vibrant than the usual colour.
Pattern, inside out and non-dominant hand drawing.
Out of these 3 sketches, I like my pattern drawing the most as it looks pretty "well-drawn" for me but the inside out sketch- where you basically have to switch the inside and outside texture places is very challenging as the outside texture of an orange is pretty basic so my attempts at switching it was quite a failure as I genuinely don't know how to draw the texture of an orange peel. But other than that, the non-dominant hand drawing- which I expected to be a hard task, was actually quite easy for me to accomplish. Sure it took me like 3 minutes on each drawing and it ends up looking like a children's drawing, but it was quite easy which makes me feel very much accomplished.
Closed eye drawing.
The tittle itself is pretty self-explanatory. I drew an orange with my eyes closed because our lecturer says that we kind of have the muscle memory to draw our subject matter as we have been drawing it non-stop for the past 2 hours of class. Although my drawing is not that polished but I'm quite happy how it turned out because at least it resembles an orange.